Are people really this predictable now ? If so is it because they're used to accepting instruction on how to act down to the minute being baited and trained like dogs ? Or is this natural to everyone ?

I sure as hell didn't grow up like them
But they're idiocy started kind of awhile ago

  • 7
    Yeah like you’re not predictable
  • 4
    You don‘t put spaces before question marks.
    Ah, I feel better now!
  • 2
    @AvatarOfKaine They’re called habits, customs, traditions. Predictability is what keeps us half sane. Unless we’re like you and we get irritated by the slightest human "event".
    Usually when you get to know people you realize behind the facade of mimicry each person is "different"/"unique" (yeah bullshit words you probably hate to read). Of course getting know people is hard when all you see are things you hate
  • 1
    @AvatarOfKaine I was expecting that response (your first one). Since it’s the same one you give me every time.
    But it is what you’re talking about. So either accept it when someone is trying to reason with you "peacefully" or stop posting shit
  • 1
    @AvatarOfKaine i get it, everything that’s out of line with your warped mindset is a cult. If you opened up a bit more, you’d see people would listen to you more. I mean there are times here when one can have a decent conversation with you; maybe it’s during those rare times when you take your meds 💊 (jk…)
  • 0
    @red-knot see you're sitting there lying in text about a cult that rapes sells and warps children
    And I'm the one who's off their meds ?
  • 0
    @red-knot tell the grand poobah I bought a Beretta
  • 0
    so who's the bus driver ?

    little big smart ass who finds me suggesting the world could be better so amusing because he doesn't want anything to be happier ?
  • 1
    @AvatarOfKaine fuck off mister "I want a better world, so I’m gonna murder entire cities to accomplish that"
  • 0
    @Nanos by using spaces AFTER the punctuation, like everyone else does.
  • 0
    @Nanos didn’t know about French. It’s "wrong" in English though. I don’t make the rules.
    But I don’t agree that it’s more readable with an extra space.

    You might find it more readable but following the rules is also important for readability.

    Let’s make an example:

    somE onE mighT finD iT morE readablE tO enD eacH worD iN a capitaL letteR.

    Would you accept that? I don’t think so.
  • 0
    @red-knot better than the inhabitants of many of those cities who say they want a worse world so they're going to murder all the decent people so they can breed prostitutes and rape children
  • 0
    @Nanos There is no self elected group of people who decide. The rules evolve naturally. The whole society decides. You think you are being rebellious but in reality you just make yourself look dumb when you insist on using your own system (not implying that you are dumb)

    Also, you think the majority actually finds your way readable? No. It’s just your subjective view and you are in the minority.

    The rules won’t change. Because we don’t want them to change. It’s good as it is.
  • 0
    @Lensflare anyone who says that is either blind or a liar

    Especially now
    When the bullshit has been revealed for exactly what it is many times now
  • 0
    @Lensflare what has evolved is the continued taint that has plagued human society from the beginning

    The worst most self interested people being enabled

    People telling me one of the previous times not to be truthful because it leads to worse scenarios

    That's a simple ultimatum "lie like us and enable enslavement and ruination or suffer"


    Lying out of lack of choice felt dirtier and more self destructive than telling the truth and the last thing I need is to join these people in hell after we're all dead

    I spent half my life seeing people get beaten raped killed

    Seeing duplicates of real children emulating whore adults
    And watching the evil fucks that lied about it eat themselves
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine what reason would I have to lie?
    I’m also pretty certain that I’m not blind.

    No idea what bullshit that has been revealed you are referring to.
  • 0
    @Lensflare god forgive me I wish I could just be as much of a heartless cold disgusting fuck as said people but then as usual only a select group of elite seem to benefit from this line of activity as usual

    And everyone else remains what they are

    And when I use my skills my ambition to follow normal routes to prosperity they pretend I cheated when what's fucked up about that is quite a few people emulated me to get where they are. They emulated my work ethic and know how and skills derived from the old world they supposedly despise for a new world which makes them a puppet that it devours. Amazing.
  • 0
  • 0
    @Lensflare keeping up appearances after a reset
  • 0
    @AvatarOfKaine second comment is the usual out of context nonsense with whores and children and rape.
    No idea what you are talking about or what argument you are trying to make.
  • 0
    @Nanos My assumption is that if pro-space/pro-change people would be a considerably large portion, we would see your way of writing much, much more frequently.

    For instance, in Germany, there is this unofficial movement to change how we write nouns to address people without specifying the gender. You can really see that there is a huge interest in change.

    The space before punctuation thing, on the other hand, I see it so rarely, that in fact I thought that it was a mistake from the Author.

    That‘s why I think that "we" are the really, really huge majority and we are ok with that rule.

    Again, having a rule, regardless of what that rule is, helps with readability by its own. It might be not the rule that you want, but it‘s better than no rules at all. That‘s what we would get if everyone would just write what he thinks is more readable.

    Your examples about indentation don‘t apply to this at all.
  • 0
    @Lensflare I'm pretty sure there is a special place in hell for hipsterish little boy touchers and liars of this magnitude

    Oh of interest a while ago they said your reaction was unfavorable because you wanted to roleplay being a victim and I didn't give you that ability to say you lie out of fear blah blah so now I'm fucked supposedly
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