its not imposter syndrome

i've got over 6 years in industry and i still hardly have a fucking clue what im doing or a proper foundation

not like school covered much if anything relevant to industry anyway


  • 6
    26 years here. It doesn’t get better in that respect. I once calculated that for every 3 years of “going back to school” to learn some new language or programming discipline, I would fall 6 years behind the industry in actual practice. It’s an infinite treadmill.
  • 1
    @stackodev I hear ya. Started prior to the dot com boom . Must have gone through a gazillion tech stacks , frameworks, design patterns, server architecture setups etc. and now what . I went to a tech management level for the past few years but got let go because of the tech downturn . Now here I go again . New education. Retraining . Bah.
  • 2
    @djeddiej I’m definitely back to where I was at my beginning in 1996. Menial contract work maintaining stuff other people built with no coding involved on my part. More and more this is a young person’s game, meaning they’re typically single, early 20s, can endure long hours and little sleep while consuming large amounts of code and coffee. I have a life beyond that and I’m getting to an age where it matters less and less what I do for a paycheck as long as it’s steady.
  • 1
    @stackodev agreed. I look at my kids and would rather just chill with them vs burning the midnight candle debugging in chrome or in terminal lol
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