I'm the only one annoyed by the emoji abusing programming influencers?

In particular I hate their presumption in proclaiming themselves experts in something just after following a swallow online course on it.

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    modern pyramids be like
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    Why scrum is an anchor?
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    @cafecortado who knows? ( what would you choose for it ). For that matter why thunderbolt for JS too? It's not that fast after all... but also there is nothing to compare it to...
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    You just upset that she wouldn't date you.
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    @horus No one wants to date Java fans
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    Does she even know half of what she plunks down outside of medium articles?
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    @TeachMeCode Personally I tend to distrust any developer which puts "AI" in a laundry list like that. Any script kiddie can learn the basis on how to use an AI library in some hours but unless you have 48 hour days you can't be a real expert in AI and in DevOps and in SEO all together. It's even fan that she put "Git" at the beginning of the laundry list, at this point she could ever put "cd", "cp" and "rm".
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    @DEVil666 yeah also perplexing she put agile stuff in the list as well…
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    It's more funny, how grown man/women discuss about a child being proud of what she achieved.

    Just let her be.
    I mean surely she can't be an expert in all of this, but maybe it is an I'm interested in list. You guys make this way bigger than it should be.
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    @cafecortado more like why the fuck is git a squid? GitHub is also on the list so she should know better.

    @We3D JS is hard. At least most JS logos are yellow. I think I would go for </> as there is no html/xml and this comes close to the script tag and react fragment thingy.
  • 5
    Fuck influencers it's not a job it's a epidemic. Real programmers and engineers are to smart for this linked in filler crap.

    These kinds of fuck whits make corporations go for visibility picks and that is why there are so many actual (starting) devs who turn to writing mediocre Click-bait articles on medium etc.
    Real quality content is being drowned in this shit.
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    @hjk101 Medium and its tons of clickbait should be nuked from the orbit
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    @hjk101 how to get an article accepted on medium:

    Step 1: google the subject matter and copy paste text from the first Wikipedia article that shows up.

    Step 2: fill it will emojis and buzzwords.

    Step 3: Have < 1 year of experience but call yourself a guru.

    Step 4: have a low iq
  • 3
    Ooeehh, that hair.
  • 2
    JS emoji should be 🤡
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