I'm a piece of trash and if I give you a hard time you'll knock my teeth out with a baseball bat again

You'll probably go buy the bat soon

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    You bet I e
    Will survive if I tell the truth for once
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    It's a good thing I never even implications wise goad you
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    @Along well, jesus is a piece of trash, too.
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    @Along propagated a religion of bigotry, hate and war, for starters.
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    @tosensei technically his followers taking great license of interpretation did that
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    @AvatarOfKaine ...have you ever actually read the bible? if he spewed out his crap today he'd be locked up before he could finish saying "more nails, i'm slipping".
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    @tosensei it's not the literally.
    In pagan faiths they state that a faith must evolve to be living.

    Treating other people kindly
    Being honest
    Having honor

    That's the proper takeaway.
    That and some of the prohibitions against murder, sodomy, pedophilia, adultery, and fornication stabilize society if people follow them.

    Don't get knocked up as a teen
    Don't kill people without valid reason
    Don't rape kids
    Don't break a decent wife or husbands heart
    Don't lie under oath
    Don't break your word

    These remain valid morals
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    @tosensei but hey we could all be Muslim worshipping a guy who raped a 7 year old
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    @tosensei now let's see if I remember
    You made some rather popularized comment that is downright sophistry to refute. Forgetting a particular comment Christianity made regarding that most people suck

    At least when they have to behave it makes things better
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    @AvatarOfKaine "Treating other people kindly" - show me ONE single religion that doesn't say "kill the infidels".

    starting with christianity and judaism: "killing the infidels" is literally the first fucking thing moses did after recieving the ten commandments, including "thou shalt not kill". and god stood by and watched and didn't send him straight to hell.
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    @tosensei that's an old justification. All peoples fought. War can be observed in gorillas. One troop has been recorded entering another troops area and murdering them all.

    Love thy brother
    Love thy neighbor
    Love thy enemy

    That last I always thought a bit stupid since I'm for stringing chomos up with. Barb wire along a central roadway in the USA and whoring the females more or less
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    @tosensei so yeah. Kill the infidel chomo. Works for me.

    But in essence their wars would have happened anyway
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