
My average haters. (The virtue signallers)

  • 6
    What do you actually want to say?
  • 2
    Humans are animals too. Some can control their sex drive - others can't.

    Just think about the immense amount of work, most people invest in "getting laid". Mix that with a slightly-off sexyness detector and you get the common child molestor. Same mechanics, just slightly-off weights in some neurons.

    Currently, just jailing em seems to be the best, society can do as the whole thing is tabooed to the point where potential molestors don't dare to try getting medical help before it is too late to save their future victims. And obviously, studying that field of human psychology is borderline impossible.

    I wished there would be some low-sideeffects pill, that people could just take to supress their sex drive before it takes control over them. It should be as easily available as the birth control pill - just that the users would probably be mostly (but not only) males which can somehow only climax when children, animals or whatever other fucked up fetishes are involved.
  • 0
    So, you disagree with this?
    You're also in to child porn?
    Is that what you're saying here?

    Time to go get the shotgun.
  • 2
    @C0D4 do you even read bro? people opposing me here bitching and whining about my rants and comments, is usually a pedophile behind the scenes but they virtually signal like crazy.
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    @Oktokolo I agree, involving any such acts with children should be a big no-no. Children by nature are innocent and vulnerable and traumatised by that kind of events.

    And we should send a very strong signal to the culprit. Unfortunately society has gone to decadence.
  • 2
    @jassole People don't understand that the entire world is controlled through blackmail. But it is slowly coming out. I think this is the 12 or 13 mayor to be arrested for this recently. But this goes all the way up to leaders of whole countries. Why do you think Joe's nickname is Pedo Pete? I was shocked about how fucked up this world is. I don't think there is more than 10 people in DC that is not doing shit like this.
  • 4
    @Demolishun hard agree. It is fucked up, because in general normies are fucked up. The check and balance relationship from the society to its leader is sorely lacking, which allows the worst of the society to climb ranks easily.

    And we have lot of sheeples who would go lengths to protect their party, despite knowing protecting/not protecting them have 0 bearing, willing to overlook these issues for the "party".

    INGSOC 1984
  • 3
    Deploy the new variant, clone from the base docker image. xD
  • 2
    I’m not sure that republicans are any better man 😂

    God, you and AoK have pretty much destroyed devRant with your bullshit 🙄
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    @ScribeOfGoD Besides you think I am rooting for republicans here? Idiot, re-read, clearly your reductive logic is dysfunctional.
  • -1
    Does Wagner only rape verified adults?
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