
That awkward moment when you find bug instead of porn on "Pornhub" 😂😂😂

  • 4
    Lol, one time I found a bug in their infinite scroll, it was including all the contents of the body tag instead of video items, I stopped everything and injected some jquey code on that active tab to prevent it from doing that, closed it and went to sleep
  • 4
    I'm looking forward to target all porn websites for bugs , they pay huge 😂😂😂
  • 5
    @Nedo-the-angry Completely out of context, but I laughed at
    Stopped everything and injected
  • 1
    I usually jerk off to succession instead of porn after doing that.
  • 1
    Welcome to the life of a dev who actually builds pornsites 😂

    btw: pornhub actually has a bug hunting program
  • 0
    @tesla2k2 haha yeah I just found on BugCrowd 😂
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