
I hate these idiots that post source code examples as an image just so they can keep their cool highlighting and style. How the fuck am I supposed to test that without re-typing the whole thing myself? Ever try OCR on source code? Not too great, is it.

  • 6
    Why right click OCR isn't built into browsers is beyond me.
  • 4
  • 0
    Yeah! I'm a imagecodephobic too!
  • 2
    I desperately need an OCR that works on code
    Most are so "general purpose" and "advanced" but fail hard on monospace fonts with a few special symbols and spaces
  • 1
    just tell them they suck and move on
  • 2
    Posting code as an image is basically DRM
  • 1
    Who does that? You might use the wrong sources for your research and learning 😆.
  • 3
    Its your rant and you can cry if you want to. Are software people so brittle and lazy they cannot retype hundreds of lines of code? Yes, the answer is yes. I hate it too!
  • 1
    @Demolishun copy pasting code is bad anyway 😆
  • 0
    MacBooks nowadays can copy text right off the image with text recognition
    You just select it with a mouse as if it was a regular text
    Works like magic
  • 0
    But I agree, the prettiness of an open source package is in its simplicity and low entry barrier, and not in how cool its GitHub page looks and how many emojis you use
  • 1
    @kiki also iPhones and iPads
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