Fucking piece of shit xorg and amd drivers. Wasted so much time trying to fix screen tearing and nothing works, only managed to kill xorg altogether

Added a pic of the tearing

  • 7
    Hey I just met you
    And this is crazy
    But here is my Windows
    So Try it maybe!!!
  • 11
    @Microsoft I'm surprise you replied so fast considering how slow your OS are
  • 2
    @DirtyBit Atleast we don't have screen driver issues, specially in Windows 10!
  • 3
    @Microsoft I prefer if only part of my screen "freezes" and not the whole thing 😉
  • 3
    @DirtyBit That's so Windows XP, you won't find such thing in Windows 10, unless you click on one of those free iphone malware ads!
  • 2
    @Microsoft That's what always happens on windows 10. Often even completely freezes before I can log in, or BSOD
  • 1
    @DirtyBit feeding the trolls, are we? 😂
  • 3
    @iAmNaN nah, the only trolls here are the ones that think Linux is better than windows :p
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD That's what he was saying fam, and yes
  • 1
    So tonight on my Win10 mining rig, windows decided to pull some defender shit update alongside with OS updates (despite it being disabled), crashed OS, installed some crappy drivers that don't recognize the GPUs and got stuck on that loading dots thingy. Had to pull out all graphic cards to even boot it and reinstall drivers and put them back one by one.
  • 0
    @pajaja how many graphics cards do you have??
  • 0
    @ocab19 4 GPUs, I do it mostly for fun so it's a small rig.
  • 0
    @Microsoft my friend had loads of trouble with Windows 10 and Nvidia drivers.
  • 0
    @killermenpl Debian jessie, GNOME, fglrx driver. Tried turning vsync on with aticonfig, some other --sync-video I believe, adding TearFree to the xorg.conf, nothing worked. I heard compton fixes the issue so I'm gonna try it out with i3 today

    @Zennoe not windows

    @querellaMMXII don't we all
  • 0
    I installed i3 and the tearing is completely gone

    Edit: lol nope, but compton fixed it
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