Waiting 3 min for our deployment pipeline's "build step" to finish downloading all 1.08GB of source code because business won't prioritise tech led tickets (to use shallow cloning in this case) 😞

Feeling so apathetic rn 😝

  • 4
    More time to eat hummus
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    @electrineer I have pitta and a pot on standby 😅
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    I completely get the pure original history fetish, that is so common nowadays. But git history rewriting exists for a reason. You don't have to keep all mistakes of someone adding his massive junk to the repo in the history forever. Keep your repo clean. Maybe wait till the next universal holiday if the team is large and busy. But eventually you will want to history-rewrite that 2GiB .blend file (yeah, that totally never happened to me) away for good.
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    @Oktokolo is there some convenient way to forget large binary files?
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    @electrineer I wouldn't call it "convenient", but forgetting things is one purpose of history rewriting.

    https://git-scm.com/docs/... is the traditional way of doing it which i used. But the git docu itself now recommends to use the external tool git-filter-repo instead - and here is a StackOverflow on how to do that: https://stackoverflow.com/a/...

    Obviously, history rewriting isn't for the faint of heart and does change all commit hashes starting at the first changed commit (its still a hash tree). So everyone needs to pull after you pushed the rewrite. And you are expected to fully know what you are doing (read the docs) - even though filter-repo is rumored to be less booby-trapped than filter-branch.
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