
All of a sudden, I'm getting connect requests on LinkedIn from "talent acquisition specialists" in India. Interesting, to say the least. Very curious.

  • 1
    Just interesting, since I'm on the other side of the planet. 🤠
  • 2
    @kp15 that's understandable, because that is normally how it works. Are they gearing up to bring Americans to India? 🤠
  • 1
    Same just happened to me here in Australia...
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    US/EU recruiter can cost 10–40k per placement. They visit the employer, call devs and build relationships, and they pretend to know what terms like "framework" and "test driven" mean.

    Foreign recruiters lack all of that "personal touch", but they cost a fraction. So as a company you could just get 10 remote recruiters in India to just mine LinkedIn, spam devs in your local region, and see what happens.
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    Recruiters need to learn that they have no chance of pulling me away from my present employer. They would have fork over a huge incentive.
  • 1
    if you accept one request remaining requests will follow :)
  • 1
    @dhanvi as I'm finding out. That's fine. :) We need more Desi IT people; they make the culture centers smell absolutely heavenly at lunch time. :)
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