
Hi guys, this is my first rant so bear with me..

Stupid Indian fucking institutes doesn't give a shit about the things we learn in the institute. This curriculum is like from the 90's. I learnt NodeJS recently and I thought wow a new concept, not even my professor knows about it. I must be on top of the world or at least any way near it and then I see these video tutorials on the internet which are posted 2 years ago. OH MY GOD!! The thing is that my department's HOD doesn't know about that and the funny thing is that I'm doing a project under him "SECURITY OF WEB APPLICATIONS" and the only thing he knows is PHP. And FYI I'm not studying in an institute which is oblivious to the outside world. It's called an NIT, an institute of national fucking importance. At the end, I blame myself though. I should have been on myself not being completely dependent on the professors for knowledge.
I could fill the entire text area with the rant.
But then people will start ranting about the rant.
I will be posting more Indian-devRant soon so.. peace till then.

( I bet they don't know about Git/Github too)

  • 3
    You must be scotchy to land in NIT, rant frequently so I can measure the difference in teaching between them and standard universities.
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    @sam9669 You bet I will
  • 2
    @solooo7 my 11th and 12th in turbo c for c ++, I still like it 32% though, because I haven't seen other ones for c++
  • 0
    its ok bro..its because of the base they gave u that u now learnt nodejs..their scope is limited to the syllabus, they expect their studentd to go out, explore more and learn more, cant blame them for not knowing node or angular, coz even if they teach u, half of the class wud b seeing stars during the lecture..so cheer up, dont expect to b spoonfed all the things, there are so many languages that even you are not aware of..but its ok to rant wen u need help in ur project and they have no fucking idea which "language" u r talking in :P
  • 0
    @sam9669 I haven't seen turbo c for a long time. The last time I saw that was when my brother studying C for the first time. It was like 7 years ago.
  • 1
    I am not asking for spoon-feeding. it's just that even profs who are specialised in a particular subject won't even try to learn the new things so that they can tell that certain things "exist".
  • 2
    haha @boss.. completely in agreement with u..u wer lucky enuf to get a seat in the NITs..we r from the "other" colleges no one cares about..bt the equation holds the same..and after seeing ur rant, i apologise my profs that i expected too much from them, even their highsr colg counterparts r like buddies to them it seems now ;)
  • 7
    At least he knows PHP, one professor in my college thought JS is just java+scripting !
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    Haha @null-pointer 😂 That's epic!
  • 1
    @BabaJiX86 Hehehehe. I'm serious. My department's second best student brought a JS book from the library when we had Java in curriculum. And said, 'Well, I'll just study java from this one and leave the scripting part'.
  • 0
    @null-pointer I hope he is doing well now.
    RIP JS.
  • 4
    Welcome to devRant!

    On the bright side, if your professor did add nodeJS to his skill set, he'd be able to quit teaching for a real dev job and then you'd be left with the professor who only knows CSS. Happy thoughts!
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    @skbs OK even if updating the curriculum isn't possible at this point of time, it's their duty to put at least a few courses which are really important to us in the present world.
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    @skbs Peace bro. And again I'm not saying every language or every tool. Just important stuff that a computer science engineer student needs exposure to. U might have received enough education in ur college. As far as in my college, I honestly think that it's not even close to what we need. Just letting you know that I'll be conducting events to let my classmates know about the important stuff in the next semester.
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    @boss How the hell was that username not already taken??
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    @boss while i understand the frustration there is no guarantee that it will benefit you the most..learning OTJ is the best way to learn the latest that your organization needs. I got a call last week asking me if I could consult for "classic ASP" (pre .Net technology ) and the hrly rate was the best offered to me for any gig till date.
  • 2
    If you start rants about education in India, this site will be full of shit. Even IITs, which are supposed to be temple of education, some people are privileged on based of religion. WTH, nobody in the whole fucking country cares that seats are reserved based on fucking casts.
  • 1
    @boss indian education system is like that dude it sucks
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    Chill out bro. I am from India too and I know the pain... 😂
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    @null-pointer thats rather sad and faith in humanity obliviating than funny :(
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    At IIT Madras, they don't teach anything beyond C, C++, Java and a lil bit of Python in the official curriculum. And if you're not from CS, the courses aren't even available for you.
    I honestly think this is a good thing, cuz all the assfuckery I did in the name of self learning, my skills are somewhat rare here Not that I'm the only one who knows this stuff, but I'm a part of a very small percentage. So yea, ancient curriculum ftw.
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    @alcatraz627 wow, this place is full of IIT'ians and NIT'ians, nice
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    @Fydrenak haha lucky me :D
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    Who becomes a teacher in engineering? The students that know exactly how to read a book, how to earn marks, how ro remember the answers. They don't give a shit about the outside world. Just books. They don't even code. The lab assistants know better than them. In our Institution😂
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