Learning how to hack my brain!

Time for me to have an upgrade too!

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    @wolt Don't worry! No hardware needed! Just self mastery! It's my new favorite programing language and it runs on my favorite complier!
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    @tinkrmind not sure what you mean?
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    @bhouston Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation is the easiest way to 'hack' the brain. I have a setup for it sitting in my cupboard right now.. just don't have the guts to use it :P
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    @tinkrmind never heard of it :) is it safe? Is it legal?
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    @bhouston The military is experimenting with it for sniper training and there are thousands of people DIYing the heck out of it. Long term effects are unknown because there have been few controlled trials, but short term use is thought to be safe. And it's perfectly legal.
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