*laughs in statically typed*

  • 2
    makes it even funnier, because typescript exists.
  • 0
    Considering all those comments don't make it into the final bundled file that is served to the end user, I don't think you can consider them bloat. It IS a lot of boilerplate though.

    As for slowing down development, it really depends. Writing all that boilerplate could make your IDE help out and speed up dev time.
  • 1
    @nitnip but imagine that absolutely bonkers idea of not needing to do that in the first place.
  • 0
    @thebiochemic Yeah, it would be nice. But I think those comments are also used to generate documentation though. Why else use markdown there backticks?
  • 0
    @nitnip, I as far as I remember, that screenshot is of some kind of plugin for TSC that parses those doc comments and actually allows you to check typing, at compile time
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