
asking for a friend - can someone hack someone's Snapchat with CSS for me please

  • 3
    I just typed out the answer with all my s3cr3t h4xX0r skillz in CSS, then I read the tag
  • 2
    I refuse to look at the tag.

    Unfortunately, I can't do it with CSS, but I can do it with DOS 6.22 Batch if you'd like.
  • 0
    What about phising? You can use CSS there
  • 0
    No. But you can use Sass.

  • 1
    Well actually, applying some CSS can make a page look "hacked" to the person so I'd have fun with that :) (note the CSS content property). Not sure if you could use it for actual XSS or something, probably not, but making changes to the user asking you for a hack is definitely possible in the same way you can tell them to change the page in developer tools.

    *Zooms off to create "hacks" and enjoy watching idiots using the "hacks"*
  • 0
    @zyxel ah, but phishing is to gain logins, so you should make the website as realistic as possible, so the target isn't suspicious. Tadaaaaa.
  • 0
    Thanks a lot.
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