My work day lately:
5% new code
95% figuring out how the old shi...code worked so I don't break everything

  • 2
    My previous job was me spending the entire day checking the boss’s shit code just to change a few lines.
  • 1
    Sounds like my job. So much spelunking and researching and trial-and-error and asking people wth they were thinking (and getting no answers). I hate it so much.

    Actually, a good quarter of my day (or more) is meetings. Which of course don’t get considered when determining productivity. (And nor does the above…)

    I miss the days when people would leave me alone and I could just write good code in a codebase that makes sense.
  • 1
    Forget copilot.

    Write a service in chatgpt that generates *likely* plain-text *explanations* of code segments.

    like eli5 for code.

    Instead of debugging your code, let ML debug your *understanding* FOR YOU.
  • 0
    Characterisation tests
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