I'm not political - but Agile sprints remind me of Soviet/Maoist "five year plans". Agile in and of itself is so fucking oddly soviet...

  • 3
    what kind of effed up agile do people do lol

    We fought for a few years and finally got agile. It was nice.

    Although I heard it's also effed up these days (I left a year ago)
  • 3
    In Soviet Russia you don't do agile, agile does you.
  • 2
    Nope, the point of agile is to continuously do the thing that brings the most value. That's quite different from having a five year goal.
  • 1
    @electrineer I get what you're saying, but a sprint is literally a "2-week plan". It's a predetermined set of tasks to be completed without interruption within a time frame. And these tasks are often centrally planned (by leadership). That's why I'm saying it's soviet.
  • 1
    @natesymer in pure agile, the PO sets the goal but the whole team plans what to do to get there, and it involves negotiation. What happens in most teams that claim to be agile (or whose managers claim so) is probably closer to soviet or capitalist leadership.
  • 0
    EOS is a clustefuck. Agile is a brisk walk compared to EOS
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