
So, I've been at my current job for 2.5 years, I think I'm pretty close to a promotion.

Problem is, I'm feeling fucking burnt out, I don't enjoy my work at all. Part of it is office politics, part of it is my work feeling meaningless.

I've thought of looking for other jobs, but they all either want a ton of experience I don't have, or they pay way less than my current job.

I've also screwed up a couple of interviews because I just didn't seem interested in the other company (I think, it's hard to get good feedback from interviews, but when you get screened out by the recruiter it's not because of technical skills).

I'm just feeling fucking exhausted and wanted to vent, anyone else felt similar?

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    happened to many of us. usually a break or new posion do the work, or new company
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    I've been here and am still there with the burnout!

    I've been trailing a few things to see if anything improves:

    Took a week off for recovery (and made it _very_ clear to all it was for burn out).

    I have a very good manager I feel I can speak my mind to and he gets it (was a Dev himself). He fought for my promotion and helped get me on projects I enjoyed.
    The one I'm on atm is sapping my life force though. I spoke to my manager and he assigned a senior to help with the workload yesterday (as it was just me leading it) and he said he's going to speak to the higher ups to help with unreasonable expectations.

    What have others tried in your company? Are they feeling the same? I'm very grateful I have allies in the trenches with me

    Just know you're not alone OP and you're worth more than you think ♥️.
    Burnout is shit and makes me apathetic to everything. Finding "me time" has given me back some energy to want to take better care of myself (self care etc)
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    @MammaNeedHummus no one else at my company seems to be feeling burnt out, at least not from what I've seen.

    Part of what is getting to me is everyone at the company is really focused on getting promoted, rather than making sure the product is good. Which really takes away all my motivation to actually do well, since all my efforts don't seem to get rewarded.

    I work hard to try to fix things, then some asshole undoes my work completely on his way to promotion.

    I'm up for promotion in the summer, if I don't get it, I think that'll be the last straw for me.
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    @YADU my heart goes out to you. Sounds awful - how are Devs supposed to flourish?
    There might be others feeling like you but are too scared of appearing "weak" by being honest about how they feel. Lies like that benefit noone.

    I hope it works out for you. The reading I've done says to try and find your tribe at work, even if it's just one dev
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