I wrote some simple pen test scripts that automatically get executed on every ip in my fail2ban log.

Ip count: 2500+ in a few days. Probably victims of botnet. Some have mysql, postgres, smb open and many of them support user/pass auth on their ssh.

The scripts were a lot of fun to write but I don't expect much results.

  • 5
    Pen test results. I've let chatGPT generate a nice port / description dictionary for sensitive ports.
  • 5
    That sounds barely legal, if at all. Naughty you.
  • 1
    Make your own bot net then
  • 3
    @iiii Sadly, it's not so easy anymore. Back in the days - the MSN api. Sending exe files. When that was blocked sending COM / PIF files. Also everyone used outlook back then and you could just send an e-mail to the complete address list. I did write a botnet when i was younger. The bots all connected to my home ip. Hihi
  • 2
    My server did 25121 ssh login attempts by now and no one succesful yet.
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