
cool design, don't u think

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    now decipher the unused numbers to get the real msg ;]
  • 8
    I don't speak Pi :(
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    @Hazarth this language is much more primitive than pi
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    @PepeTheFrog I’ll give u a hint => calculator
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    @chonky-quiche mirror msg, nice
  • 1
    The message sounds cool. But intelligence tests definitely measure something completely different. "being fit for survival" translates way better to "ability to adapt to change" than being able to recognize obscure patterns fast. This slogan tragets more the prepper stereotype than the math geek, mad scientist or inventor stereotypes that are normally more associated with intelligence.

    So replace "intelligence" with "fitness" and add a 7D2D-style zombie eating the brain out of Charles Darwin's head. Then the shirt is perfect.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo also is too easy 2 read, if all chars was in 1 color + few chars in front and end would make it way more cryptic and if a girl is wearing it one would have the perfect excuse for staring at it for a long period ;}
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    @We3D Don't you hate it too when half the message of a gir's shirt is hidden between their massive but firm boobs?
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    @Oktokolo yeah, it makes you want to move them apart to read the important part in the middle, but most of the time this is considered inappropriate behavior...
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    @We3D Yeah, even though she is basically begging for it at that point...
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