
well fuck me, I think I've a chance of killing my laptop...my personal 1... with water...It's unpluged now and hopefully get better after drying...no smoke, so that's good and the keyboard is supossedly water resistent... but still the linux froze...

  • 4
    Put salt on it. Or put it in a bowl of rice and let it stay there for a night. Chinese people will come and fix it
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    @retoor I don't have that big bowl nor that much rice at d moment...my previous 1 had survived few glasses of bear and the only damage was dead keys ( long ago ) and I hope this newer one should survive that too I think I have few selica gel bags, I'll check for bigger bag and will put them along w/ what rice I have and close it
  • 1
    @We3D oh that's fucking true! Laptops survive bears! Happened few times to me in a bar. Drinking beer and bam - bear in the laptop. Damn it
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    @retoor I have fairly quick reflexes, but the liquid is quicker and already all over the laptop and table. I just filled it...now it's in a garbage bag to rethink his live and hopefully will decide to go back to live... I'll give him half a day to make his choice
  • 3
    Just don't actually do rice. It doesn't help that much and your computer gets all starchy inside out 😅
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    Honestly, just give it time to dry - more than a half day, for sure. There's a good chance it will come back. We used to wash circuit boards in water after wine spillages - but you must get it dry before you power up again.
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    @spongegeoff I use to bath all the boards for faster dust removal =], before I switch to laptops
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    I would personally disassemble it and clean the circuit boards with isopropyl alcohol
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    @electrineer that's almost perfection. and the bonus : it dries out much faster than H2O. does jin works. I have only that now and won't buy new bottle for the pc alone
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    ...gues not. it will smell and maybe sticky?
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    almost @ lcalhost. will try 2 resurrect it and if doesn't respond will go get him medical alcohol... or holly water
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    no good, no fucking good. doesn't fire up at all, tried even with napalm :[
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    Find a reputable computer shop that can extract the HD now. That way if your laptop goes to Heaven you don't have to let your fingers do the walking. I speak from experience. 5 hard drives in a row died on me. I felt like the fucking Black Widower of Mac/Windows.
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    @bols59 I had burried a few HDDs too. so many source code and photos lost...I'll try first to ressurect it and if there is no hope will do try to extract if nothing else the source of my last side project ( the last backup is too old, still restorable...but time consuming )
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    welp, the doc didn't spare me... it will be hard he said, it will be expensive too ( why did I choose a gaming dell laptop... ) and for now he'll clean it, preparing it for a long coma state... or its funeral?
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    just got a call from my pc doc. IT'S ALIVE and got to the password field...going to get it home today... only 40 bucks for d cleaning... feels goood =]
  • 1
    @We3D lucky bastard
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