
I used to work in a role that was basically tech support for engineers. Folks would call, we'd look at their code and see where things were going wrong.
One customer calls in, they're having timing problems with a satellite control system.
I dig down through their code, and buried in one of the modules is a comment to the effect of:
"Once we upgrade to Windows 98, we'll need to change this call to the precision counter"

They never did.

This system was running XP.
Somehow, they'd avoided destroying satellites despite having the code run on Win98, and ME without fixing that call. It wasn't until they upgraded to a multi core system and XP that their gyros stopped responding correctly.

Holy shit.

  • 8
    Air Traffic Control systems used to run on Commodore 64s in the 80's.
  • 18
    I'm now digging a bunker in my back yard.
  • 12
    One of the largest French airports runs windows 3.1 @iAmNaN
  • 1
    Still better than: "Why fix it if it's broken? Just rewrite it from scratch!" -Some browser company
  • 3
    @iAmNaN oh they still do
  • 1
    Interesting and scary.
  • 1
    Just while everyone is talking about shitty legacy stuff, can I just say you had an incredible job!
  • 2
    @Player2 it was really interesting. Something new everyday and now my debugging skills are godlike.
    The only downside was all the NDAs and the fact that we never got to -make- anything.
  • 1
    @mhudson ahhh, fuck creativity! I'd love a job like that :D
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