
Well got a phone call today and long story short is I have been given a probationary 5 week contract for my dream job, gonna be honest, kinda excited! :-D

  • 1
    Good luck
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    What's the job?
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    @GigaMick School IT technician at my old school haha, not a massive job but it's one I enjoy
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    @BigMacca101 our school computers need 5 min for booting. And there enough people that turn them constantly off 😒
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    @bcye we had the same issues and didn't have enough funds to replace them so we became a personal laptop based school and removed all our school desktops. Was a great choice to be honest, made things so much easier and meant students wouldn't be breaking shit every 5 minutes
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    had the opportunity to teach CS on my old highscool, it was cool, have a great time, good luck!
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    Nice!! Give it all you got and I'm sure they want you to stay
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