#include <advice>
using namespace plz;

So I have a soft cozy internship for a large retail corporation, the workplace is fantastic and the people are nice. We run into problems where this company outsources to India for almost all of its programming leaving their "software engineers" to answer emails and support 15 year old applications. This is obviously not the work I want to be doing. I want to create. This company also pays slightly less than average for an entry level programmer. I have one year of college left as well. At the end of this internship it is almost guaranteed that I get a full time offer but I only get 2 months to accept or decline. I feel like I'll say no.

So I guess what I'm asking is, should I turn down the safe first job and go for work that will make me excited in the morning or take the easy soft underpaid email answering job?
Thanks guys

  • 1
    Take the two months to apply for programmes that interest you, if you think it's going to stagnate quickly then don't bother, but as a fall back keep it on the back burner
  • 3
    Take the job, and then look for another, if you really want to move on. At minimum, you will have an income while searching for something new.
  • 2
    try to find a job first before you decide
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