
Working on a small little video game, but myself.

I need an artist eventually.

But for now, I've got my little dude running and jumping. It's shit but at least I made it myself.

Also got a big project at work that might get me promoted but don't really care about that.

  • 0
    A project for work you should work on off hours?
  • 4
    The first time you see things come to life, bouncing, and squashing, and animating, is the best moment there is. Nothing like it in programming except maybe the heady sensation that follows the moment a bug is finally fixed.
  • 1
    Splendid! Are you doing it for game jam? In any case, you might be interested in a faster feedback rate, and for that I would recommend you chatting on dR Community Server. More info: https://devrant.com/collabs/3221539

    I'm a bit of an artist myself, but it was a while ago that I did graphics for a game. Slowly getting the hang of pixel art and improving vector graphics, so hey, maybe there is little something I can help with!
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