Why do we have code reviews:
To stop stupid crap like column names with mis-matched cases:

* FirstName
* Lastname

Now it's in the production APi and nobody can change it.

  • 0
    This API is not version and, and it's public to the world. Changing the column name would break too many customers implementations that use it.
  • 0
    @juneeighteen don't you have a production and staging setups different? Fix your api on staging first then when it's done roll out changes to production and nothing breaks.
  • 6
    I love how you got a name mismatch on "APi"
  • 5
    Call Boris, he fix.
  • 2
    @juneeighteen Change the one that's wrong and implement both cases in your backend while propose from now one only the right way in your API documentation. Backwards compatibility!
  • 0
    Ummm... migration? Bug fix? From your description it sounds like your app once something goes to production it's permanent and nothing can ever be iterated on. Sounds amazing SMH.
  • 1
    @pleuph Boris is still angry at the last thing I asked him to fix :(
  • 1
    @juneeighteen Borscht.
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