
I just... I have no idea. I am supposed to be responding to a soft offer this morning but I am not sure what kind of "ball" to play.

Awhile ago my boss took a higher position at a somewhat higher esteemed and larger but hierarchically lower level sister company. My current company basically told me my current position will be dissolved because sister company is going to form a team under former boss to do those duties. I can stay on but would have to take on totally different duties. I love what I do and I think I have a valuable skillset so that doesn't sound appealing to me. I applied for sister company's job and have the soft offer - always being considered a shoe in because - well it's my job.

It's time to negotiate and their offer is OK. I get to keep my accrued leave and my years of service (heck yes!) but the salary bump is a little less than I had hoped for.
Budgets are super duper tight right now and I don't want to push it with new company. Even though I have two options - keep current job or accept new job I feel like I only have one option - go and I don't have any leverage for negotiating. We will not be getting raises for at least two years at either company. I also feel like this will be my only opportunity to negotiate anything for a long time.

If they can't budge on salary should I ask for a sign on bonus? Flex schedule? Or should I just accept the offer (1500 increase from current salary) as is and be done with it?

There is actually more complicated history and stuff but I tried to boil the situation down to what is going on now.

Any advice?

  • 2
    Sounds like you have to go to the sister company. You seem to have the right idea, if the budget is that tight. Negotiate for some perks and see what the come back with.
  • 1
    @randomcomma Thanks - That is what I'll do I just need to stop stalling!
  • 2
    Well I just accepted the offer with a little more salary than I anticipated being able to get, a slight title change, and possibility to revisit some items in 6mo. Works for me!
  • 2
    I think I need a duck for my desk at my new job. So close...

  • 1
    @epiz congratulations!
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