Holding the power button to shut down your computer feels like you're choking someone to death.

  • 16
    Now that I thought about it, I can't do it anymore. Next time I'll just pull the plu..... Wait a minute
  • 8
    Hush hush... All will be well
  • 7
    It will all be over soon....

  • 5
    You want to hang now? On task manager? Die.

    But yeah. When the new guy does it because "it's a quicker way of restarting" (yeah shit head, that server was busy running some pretty important mySQL processes right there, and you just royally pooped it), that's when I regret the functionality.
  • 0
    @rubslopes just let it turn on
  • 0
    feels awesome doesnt it ? ;)
  • 0
    shhhhh... sleep, sweet prince.
  • 0
    LOL. I feel even better when i turn off the PSU switch or i press the reset button. :)
  • 1
    Don't know...
    Never choked someone to death.
  • 2
    @DevRmn How did you kill them then?

    My WM fucks up every now and then when my hdd farts and says its all of the sudden missing something crucial..

    I have the power button hanging out of my case..

    I am really in need of a new system. 😌
    plz send halp before I either kill it or it kills me.
  • 0
    Told them to use IE with 2g internet😜
  • 1
    What's even worse is when you have to do the same because you did something stupid. It's like you're murdering someone because you fucked them up.
  • 0
    Imho it feels more like a defibrillator
  • 1
    Yup, though coking someone to death is more satisfying
  • 0
    @ChainsawBaby especially if it a macbook
  • 1
    Well... I did it last night after windows update failed, right when I was going to bed.
    Today I started my vacations In the best Portuguese beach...
    I'll think about it for two weeks now
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