Employer: "Welcome to your internship. We need you to code VBA"

Me: "Ok."

Me internally: "Oh. Visual Studio. Ok."
Me internally after 1h of coding VBA in Excel Plugin: "Burn in hell MS"

  • 3
    VBA != VB != decent
  • 0
    @SoulSkrix I know I sure as hell will. That thing is going to be quite elaborate when done. It would already be done if VBA had some form of modern syntax but noooooooo..... Dynamic sized array? Lol no. Correct iteration through open worksheets? Nope nope nope (they have an index, but you can't see it and once it's assigned, doesn't change), finding a cell and getting it's position, not without some string manipulation.

    Seriously, I love working on this because I'm puzzling abouts, but I'm hating VBA and ESPECIALLY IT'S TOTALLY USELESS DOCUMENTATION!

    *cries in corner "...I miss IntelliJ..."*
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