
Just found out the reason for these extremely useless "Script error." errors we're getting being so useless is, once again, CORS. 😡

"Hey, something went wrong in an iframe. I'm not allowed to tell you what went wrong, or where, but trust me some shit is broken *somewhere*. But you have to figure it out yourself."

If cross-origin blocking were a person I'd kick him in the nuts just for being such a fucking dick all the time.

  • 1
    CORS shouldn't be a problem for your own code. When scripting locally there's are parameter for Chrome to disable this and sone other security features too
  • 2
    @Kimmax The real problem is we're running a web app that's hosted inside a native app and therefore runs from the file system.

    It seems they added local filesystems to CORS as an afterthought because it really doesn't work well with most servers, mainly because Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * doesn't include local filesystems, which have an origin of "null". 😒
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