There are billionaires/millionaires who get asked almost the same question -> "What would you advise for a beginner?" and they usually say some BS answer like -> "Wake up early. Read books. Workout" etc. And they get clowned on for giving out "generic" advices.

But I think, they do it on purpose. Like, think about it. If I make a billion dollars tomorrow, (somehow), why would I lay out step by step to you, on how I did it? Why would I increase competition for myself by giving you "real" advice?

So they will never reveal what they did to get where they are, whether it is joining an elite cult, selling their soul to the devil or just keeping the business active. We will only get generic advices because it's an easy cop-out.

  • 4
    Step 1. Be rich
    Step 2. Get richer
  • 0
    > "Wake up early. Read books. Workout"

    What if the 'secret' is that simple?

  • 0
    Most of the people giving advice on how to get rich are getting rich by doing precisely that (selling advice), the "value" they provide is providing comfort and faith for hard working people who don't know any better.

    People who get rich by creating much more tangible valuable (or investing in it etc.) do acknowledge that there's a big element of luck involved in any market, they just hire people to analyze and minimize the reliance on pure luck. They also have an incentive to invest in people with good ideas so they get richer if they're successful. Wealth and value aren't limited like iron ores or something, you're creating value if you come up with a more efficient way of doing something, for instance (and implement it into an actual product/service).
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