
Something I'm working on at work needs a code name. How do y'all come up with code names for your projects?

  • 8
    "Project" + Adjektive/Noun + Adjektive/Noun

    Like so:
    Project Red Scorpion
    Project Swift Caterpillar
    Project Eternal Blue... oh wait

    It's Importance that all Members of the Team always refer to the Project with out the "Project" when talking to each other, but always add the "Project" when talking to some one else.
  • 4
    Adjective/Profession + water creature(fresh or salt water).

    Medical Crab

    Blacksmith Starfish

    Drunken Otter
  • 3
    @lucidiot this explains so much 😂
  • 1
    Wikipedia random page function. Always works for me!
  • 4
    So here are the suggestions I am presenting:

    @Batburger: Crentic Zootrophy
    @lucidiot: Defgox
    @owithg: Historical Arowana
    @kgbemployee: (Sorry, not drinking at work)
    @Fydrenak: Doug Yates
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    A friend of mine just uses the names of greek gods for his project names. They always sound epic
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    I like to use Latin...Google Translate ftw
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    @sha-i never thought of that, genius!
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