
Me, flirting with a cute girl from the finance dept. in the kitchen:

"Well, back to the grind. I've got this really nasty bug to figure out."

Her: "It's a bracket."

Me: "Hahaha."

2 hours of debugging later… it was a missing bracket in a json string. 😓

  • 18
    Its always a bracket. Or mixed up tabs/space indentation in python
  • 29
    Get her number yo.
    Tell her about it, it is agreat convo starter.
  • 1
    @tobsve That's terrible... I hate those in Sass :l
  • 30
    Plot twist - she snuck the bracket in in the first place
  • 7
    @Bikonja Do I sense the beginnings of a blockbuster developer romance brewing? 😄
  • 16
    I see all of these stories from people hunting down bugs like these... what editors/IDEs do you use?

    No red lines under syntax errors? No mild electrical shocks administered?

    Most annoying hunts for me is always related to predicates with too many not/and/or operators.
  • 5
    So, did you marry her?
  • 3
    @bittersweet I don't remember exactly as it was at my last job and I've flushed all of that from my brain. But it was a syntax error inside a hard-coded string in either an Obj-C or PHP file. So the compiler/runtime didn't catch it, and it was only manifesting in an error condition that I hadn't tested. 😖

    Anyway it was easy to fix (obviously), catching it was the tricky part.
  • 5
    @qbasic16 Nah, I ended up leaving the city shortly thereafter unfortunately. Woulda made a good story to tell my coder grandkids though wouldn't it? 😉
  • 0
    I use Emacs, I don't need something to tell me 50 ways of doing something, all I need is a good editor with some good tools and a conpiler.
  • 0
    Yes? The problem being?
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