Food and computers.

Sorry for the fat people as well but i think those is legit.

I am sitting next to this friend of mine in class. She is a bit big. Anyhow.

She opens her laptop and i see her screen. Its dirty. But by dirty i mean fucking dirty. Like brow transparent circle like things all over.

I`m like: “shiiiet, whats that on your screen”.

She: “i am not really sure”.

2 days layer in another class we sit together again and she looks at me with a smile.

She: “look my screen is clean. It was dirty because sometimes o sit in bed and eat chicken then type on my keyboard,so when i close my computer the keys touch the screen and voiiiila!”

Me: “..... Wow”

She was quite proud she had elucidated the problem and did not really understand the meaning of my wow.

  • 11
    I just died inside reading "I sit in bed and eat chicken then type." I don't like using my damn TV remote with dirty hands, let alone my phone or laptop.
  • 6
    Eating while using the computer/keyboard/mouse is a pet peeve of mine. Drink what you want, beer, wine, water, soda, liquor idc but please God keep any and all food away except for maybe M&M's or Skittles.
  • 3
    I remember watching out for my friends/cousins to wash their hands before touching my gamecube controllers after eating dinner, and ask them to if I had noticed they didnt. No dirty hand would touch my stuff
  • 0
    At least she didn't figure out what the problem was and not do anything to resolve it
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