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You think you're gonna fuck with me and force me to waste my time disabling adblock refreshing the site so i can browse your shitty site? No I'll just go ahead and open the next website that provides the same information and better yet doesn't force me to disable my adblock. Finding alternative site with same information like yours is abundant and much faster than me wasting my time disabling adblock. Fuck you

  • 11
    from the site's perspective, whyd they waste bandwidth and CPU on a non-paying customer?
  • 6
    @azuredivay i get everyone needs to earn money but forcing someone like this is not a good way to do it
  • 3
    @azuredivay b/c they believe in free info spreading and education?
  • 1
    @azuredivay so everyone's okay with the interaction ending at that
  • 17
    1. Disable ad block software to proceed
    2. Install anti ad blocker list to block the scripts that block the ad blockers
    3. Site comes up with anti anti ad blocker scripts
    4. Block the anti anti ad blockers with anti anti anti ad blocker lists.
    5. This anti anti anti recursion goes deep....
  • 3
    @b2plane thats the point no, theres ample supply on both sides

    Many options for ppl to choose, many ppl for websites to cater to

    @We3D thats idealistic, if they're the only source of it then sure, but if there are many, then quality -> u bear with the ads, else quantity always exists

    @iiii exactly, since both have options of choosing their site n visitors

    @arcadesdude yep, i simply follow the rule of letting ads run for sites/publishers i support, blocking it on sites i hate, n if they have blockers while stilling sending the content-body before the ad-block blocker triggerrs, then reading view it is (fuck u sites i hate but still need content of)
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