
I always feared databases, but Django makes it so comprehensible. I only have to define relationships, and everything else is taken care of under the hood. Love it!

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    Just keep your tables really small. Django does not like large, complex tables with lots of data.
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    I'm a DB guy, and having worked with Django I said to myself:

    This abomination needs to be annihilated from the face of the Earth.

    Few things have ever been so slow and so inefficient at dealing with data, as Django is.
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    Don't break it for me, this is going to be an exception 🤞
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    Doing things under the hood is great until shit goes tits up and you need to know what's actually happening to fix it.
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    @loopback I know what's going on, I just don't have to worry about it 😊
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    @apisarenco what's your alternative recommendation?
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    @badcopnodonuts something that's faster?

    Depends on what you need to do. Web apps often just have to be fast and allow the flexibility of controlling the app using the URL, and ease of using templates.

    I don't know why Django was so slow when testing locally on a simple DB schema, but really anything else would've been faster. PHP7 (maybe with Doctrine, maybe with just direct PDO); Express; Java+Hibernate; .NET Core with Dapper, or even ADO.NET. I've had huge databases work wonderfully fast with all of these technologies.

    I really had hopes for Django. I don't know why it sucked that much. Maybe I was doing something wrong, but I was following the official documentation to the letter, and there isn't really that much room where I could've done wrong, in such a simple application.
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    @apisarenco fair call but I meant as far as using Django goes as that was the rant but you've answered my question though.
    I'm no expert db guy but what do you call slow as far as query times?
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    @badcopnodonuts anything not sub-second.
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    @iAmNaN phew.. then my shit runs like a well oiled machine.
    So far... 😁
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