
Hello everyone, I would like to create a native desktop application on Linux, which language/gui framework would you suggest to me, knowing that I have been working as a Web developer all my life?
I tried Javafx, but I don't like that very much, is really confusing and requires a lot of boilerplate, I use to work with visual studio, so a drag and drop visual editor to create a gui, that was easy.
I tried electron, but I don't really like it.
The main problem I am facing is adapt a pattern like mvc to desktop app, and share data between scene.
I would love to use flux pattern.
Any tutorial suggestions?

  • 4
    Qt and C++
  • 2
    Did you try electron with something like angularjs or vuejs
  • 0
    @zmzmuazzam98 yes I did, but the output bundle size is too heavy for what I am doing. 180 mb for a small app...
    Plus I would like to work with native code rather than adapting pattern and tech that I know already
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    @Artemix I would again, the problem is that designing the forms is really complicated, and the graphic tools are so unstable that makes me want to use only the text fxml version.
    Do you suggest any tutorial?
  • 3
    That said, Qt seems to be the only cross-platform, widely used GUI framework. Sure, gtk+ exists, but it's got nowhere near the portability (so far that I've seen).
  • 0
    JavaFX: Take a look at Gluon Scene builder
  • 0
    @Gatgeagent tried, and it so so unstable that becomes annoying, plus does not load the css
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    @Artemix I guess I haven't checked it out as much as I should have. I was looking into tornadofx (as you suggested?) it is only for kotlin? Probably I should check it out as well.
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