
Debating if I should tell anyone at work about devRant. Keep it to myself?

  • 3
    don't do it, then they will complain when you rant about them
  • 1
    Help spread the word please!
  • 4
    I can't compromise the integrity of my rants. They would eventually put it together and figure out my username. As it stands right now, they can barely call themselves developers... So they probably have no idea about devRant. If they found out, they would be commenting on your rants, wondering what on earth you are complaining about. Lol
  • 4
    You should tell them about our new app then - "n00bRant"
  • 2
    Yeah, they are not noobs... They have just drank the kool-aid. They are all about non sense business practices instead of coding.
    You know, make something that takes an hour, take 3 days instead.
  • 3
    I'm not. my boss isn't a dev and my co-developer is special - and not in a good way
  • 1
    Special, but not in a good way. Haha.

    I would spread the word, but know you may need to censor yourself somewhat
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