
- It's a game, play it
- Come prepared
- It's better to say "not sure" or "don't know" than bullshit
- Don't write in the CV (or mention during the interview) things you don't want to be asked about
- Sound eager and enthusiastic about your profession because no one likes a downer
- the interview is a sales meeting, you are the goods, be sure to be a good salesman

  • 3
    Thank you!
  • 19
    It's _not_ a sales meeting. It's a date. You should sell yourself honestly while trying to find out whether it's a match for you.
  • 1
    "Sound eager and enthusiastic about your profession because no one likes a downer"

    ... but I just want to pay my rent and put food on the table ;)
  • 1
    These are wonderful advices. Thank you :)
  • 0
    @k0pernikus doesn't contradict - strive to pay the rent (mortgage) and put food on the table while living what you do...
  • 4
    @nocgod Still, I don't fault people who are in it for the money. In the end, it's a job and you are paid for your work. Not for your enthusiasm.

    There's also this unhealthy notion that as a developer you cannot have any other hobbies and have to constantly improve yourself off the job hours causing a lot of people to burn out.

    Don't fake your enthusiasm and don't let other people abuse your enthusiasm.
  • 0
    @k0pernikus didn't say that... I myself have lots (too much really) hobbies except development. Moreover, development stopped being a hobby once it turned into a career.
    I prefer to work with a developer who is enthusiastic towards his work. A 8:00-17:00 developer who only cares for the paycheck in the end of the month doesn't hold long (in my experience with developers) because he doesn't really give a shit about what he's doing... IMHO
  • 2
    I totally agree with @elazar, "sale" might imply a gray area for the truth... I think the best advice is "DO NOT LIE in the interview" because it can (and it will) backfire at you at some point
  • 1
    @niconj no lying goes without saying mate, youn should never lie, especially to your future employer
  • 0
    @niconj this, and the fact that unlike a salesman, you actually do care very much about who the buyer is and what he's like. Exactly like a date.
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