Dear Apple,
Fuck you.
A bored developer forced to build and deploy with a virtualized OSX.

  • 6
    May we create some kind of petition to get XCode on Linux? Maybe it's even violation of antitrust law
  • 0
    That would be awesome, but I think we don't have much leverage, plus it only means $$$ loss for Apple
  • 2
    As someone who's into android development I've thought about learning to develop for iOS just in case I'll ever want/need to release an app for both platforms. Android Studio is available for Windows/Mac/Linux/Toaster/whatever, once I found out about the exclusivity of Xcode my thoughts were exactly like yours.
  • 1
    @dannydam from what I've read, JetBrains kotlin-native aims to generate native code using llvm. So in theory, you should be able to code for ios as well :)

    Alternatively use react-native or xamarin or hell c/c++. You could even do it in assembly :/
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    @rusty-hacker Interesting. Has anyone tested this?
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    I'm using React Native, XCode is still required to publish the app'
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    Mmm... Why do you blame Apple for virtualized OSX?
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    @dannydam have not used it personally. But I would imagine it would be similar to a c library.

    @lemonti420 yeah I know. You also need to get their dev license and use that stupid app loader thing. Though getting an os-x vm is also another option. The compilation stwp could be run remotely or on a vm ...
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    I blame them for the lack of alternative when it comes to iOS development, not the virtual machine itself
  • 1
    Whatever technology you use, you will still need an apple machine to build it, to run it, or to use the user interface designer ("Interface Builder"), depending on the technology. I tried Xcode, Xamarin and React Native.

    I don't like react native because it reinvents the wheel and uses Javascript and a HTML-like language.

    Xamarin is ok but you still need OS X to compile and to use the interface builder. Many things is still a PITA witch Xamarin.

    So I prefer to use Xcode on OS X directly. It has its own issues but is by far the best way to make iOS Apps. Plus, you can use Swift Programming Language, which is awesome!
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