
Started part time job at a company, had to log my time on timesheets. Said fuck this and now the whole company logs their hours on a custom web based time logging system which I built.

  • 8
    This. This is how you show initiative and get hired full time and promoted
  • 0
    @Bitkris that's how it goes sometimes. You can never expect your efforts to be appreciated unfortunately. But good that you left that place, sounds toxic.
  • 1
    Good for you. Keep being awesome!
  • 0
    I see you live in Capetown, visited there last Xmas beautiful country. I hear it's really hard to find work for anyone and most people I spoke to worked for themselves. How different is that in the tech field?
  • 0
    @katbreitin the job situation is very difficult, I won't lie. Yes, most people freelance, be it developers or designers or other creative people. That creates crazy over-saturation though which makes things worse. If you can't get into an agency or be a really good freelancer, you will have big problems.
    Other than that, it's an incredibly creative city, film shoots on every corner and lots of big initiatives to back creative ideas and projects.
    Definitely a hard city to work in, especially if you're not used to South African work ethics, but rewarding as well.
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