
Just deployed my first big project!
Build on React using Redux and HTML / CSS (captain obvious).

The website is called https://2dor3d.com
It allows movie fans to vote Yes or No 3D after seeing the film in 3D.
On the other hand, it allows movie goers to check the current score and see if that extra 3D cash is worth it!
Maybe not, if it has a low score better buy the 2D ticket.

I would love it if you guys could check it out and hopefully start using it!

I'm super proud.

W1ckeD out, mic drop.

  • 2
    The contact us is offset to the right on mobile 😉
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    Social media buttons don't seem to work tho, feature or bug?

    Hate social media so I would say feature
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    I will go with 2D anyway, because glasses

    Getting contact lenses would be smart
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    A little bug here, but good job!
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    Thank you guys for the comments! Will start working on all those things ASAP!
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    Open source?
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    It is a little bit bigger than the mobile screen (Moto G5 Plus).

    Cool idea, by the way. :)
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    @brunofontes Thank you for telling me! we're working on it. Appriciate your thoughts on the idea, hopefully people start using it.
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    @kenpeter Haven't thought of that yet but that's a fun thing to think about, if more people on here want to help out maybe I'll make it open source!
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    @NightGenie Ah that's horrible, thank you for telling me!
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    @SpectralKH Yes I use contacts and 3D glasses. I've heard Transformers in 3D is pretty solid
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    @badgamernl Thank you, working on it asap.
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    @vojb Haha that's a bug indeed, fixed soon, thank you for telling me. 👌
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    The 4 big buttons (Seen it?, Vote it...) boxes are to short for the text
    Edit: Whoops didnt saw that it already got posted.
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