
The hardest part about writing an app is getting anyone to find it :( on that note, please help? <3
If you have little ones I promise they'll enjoy it! it might even get you an hour or two of quiet coding time.
Tap the top bar on the main menu that says 'My First Puzzles' ten times to get prompted for a secret code (3hfazJUD) to unlock all packs free :)

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    All the best man.
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    Just downloaded it. My 2 year old is in bed now but I'll show her tomorrow and see what she thinks.
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    Keep marketing it. Not easy but you can do it - or bring on a partner that can. Good luck.
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    Thanks @shittywebdev you don't know how much it means! @Jumpshot44 I may have to do that! I can code with my eyes shut backwards hungover on a commodore 64 but I can't sell water to a parched man.
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    i bet my son will love it
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    @vinerz, yes only Android for now. I've been learning Swift for work and I'm hoping to port this to iOS some day too!
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    Nice! My daughter will enjoy that
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    what programming language did you use
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    @jorgecastillodp Java, my favorite :)
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    My 5 year old and 2 year old girls really like it. They are playing it now (and fighting over it lol). They did have some trouble on a couple of the puzzles, where they couldn't add the last 2 pieces though. (Galaxy Note 3)
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    @shittywebdev thank you and your awesome girls!! which 2, do you remember? I will fix them and update it :)
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    I don't remember but it might have just been an issue of where they were touching the puzzle pieces? Later, they had trouble but then I was able to move them after touching in a couple different spots.
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    @shittywebdev Sometimes my 3 year old has trouble grabbing the ones at them bottom. I'm thinking I should move them even further in from the edges, given my target audience. Thank you for the feedback!!
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    The ones my girls had trouble with were also at the bottom.

    You're welcome!
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    My daughter (4yo) tried this out this evening -- she enjoyed it!

    She WAS getting a little frustrated at not being able to "pick up" pieces. As stated, the bottom 1/4 of the screen was consistently a problem. More generally, all touch areas might need to be enlarged. (The ostrich puzzle was particularly frustrating... maybe because of its smaller, low Y-axis pieces?)

    Anyway, that's just a few quick, hopefully-constructive observations. Keep up the good work -- nothing beta tests harder than little kids! 🙂
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    @zourtney - excellent feedback thank you very much!! and so glad to hear she enjoyed it :)
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