
Even though I'm a web developer I work in a very small IT department, which includes just me and my colleague.

Yesterday we got a pretty usual request. Someone forgot the password to an excel file. We already started a brute force attack, but we had some fun going through the worst passwords we ever stubbled over in our carrier.

He was like:"Maybe it's just his name?"

Me: "Oooh or maybe it's just the brand and 123?"

We laughed a lot. Not really considering we could crack this "important" file.

But it really worked out. The password was the brand of the business unit and "2017".

I've sent everthing back to the user, telling him exactly how we cracked it... His answer was:"Oh yeah! I knew it was something easy, so me and x could remember it easily!"


Why do you forgive easy passwords anyway? If I can crack it within 5 minutes... Everyone can! ...

And if you do it to "remember it easily"? Why the fuck don't you remember it?

  • 5
    It's the same as a Windows password. It can be bypassed in seconds, but it keeps most people away.
  • 0
    Foucault just got a hard-on
  • 1
    @siksik - oh.... I don't get it... He was a philosopher, right?
  • 1
    @Spam yup, he really dug on control and how most of it came from the controlled one's sensation of being controlled, and therefore being unable to do anything to remedy it.

    If you like philosophy, he's a great one, especially on our present.
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