
"How much time would it take you to implement $some_feature ?"

DAMN IT, I hate being asked for estimates on friday. Reminds me that I have to work again on monday.

  • 1
    Oh yes, whats even worse is being forced to release on Friday for client to test (which is what is happening with me right now :-/)
  • 1
    @gitpush Oh yeah, that's even worse! You have my sympathy.
  • 2
    Wish could answer honestly

    "That feature will be done around the time the requirements change and we need to rewrite it again anyway"
  • 2
    "The thirteenth fortnight or second lunar eclipse after the unit tests complete, whichever comes first — that is the day we bring an offering of fresh coffee beans. If the gods of code are pleased, we will deploy at dawn"

    *charge out of the office*
  • 0
    We keep sprint planning to Wed's so we don't run in to that. Feel bad for you
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