
Why the fuck can't I switch fuckimg tabs in the Ubuntu terminal with the fucking keybord? I use the terminal, my hands are both on the keyboard not on the fucking mouse! Fuck!
(If there is a shortcut, please let me know)

  • 0
    ey b0ss, try one of these in for size.
  • 1
    @paralegalseagul fuck me, ctrl+page up/down? What drunken monkey thought yeah and to switch tabs, we're not going to use crtl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab, no sir! That would be to easy :P
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    @Wack You should be able to change the defaults.
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    To update them, it's in the terminal, a click to `Edit`->`Preferences`->`Shortcuts`.

    The only issue, it won't allow me to set it to `ctrl+tab`, so I'm using `ctrl+a` and `ctrl+d` (as this is moving in a game :P). Any idea how to set them to `ctrl+tab`?
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    It's the same shortcut in firefox
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    @oscarascal firefox works with ctrl+tab/ctrl+shift+tab out of the box
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    @Wack For me it worked with alt + 1, alt + 2, otherwise there should be a way to set your own shortcut (system settings - keyboard )

    En gruess us Dübedorf ;-)
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