
Life would be much easier if i had the source code!

  • 7
    I dont have the source code to life but i can tell the you the prograaming language - math!
  • 4
    Why? So you can rant about how badly the code is written?
  • 2
  • 1
    Life is written in the programming language HTML :P
  • 2
    Sad part is javascript is disabled!@GC97
  • 2
    You just know it's a mess of spaghetti code and quick hacks with no documentation whatsoever. I mean, look at physics: the rules change completely depending on what you're looking at (extreme scale, speed, etc)! The source code for life would probably make things worse, because it would be frustrating to see that something *should* work, but for some obscure reason doesn't!

    Plus I think we're running on obsolete libraries.
  • 1
    moneyInBack *= 100
  • 0
    Life is proprietary software.
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