
Unpopular opinion: Fuck laptops

Even with proper care and monthly maintenance, they're still loud as a vacuum cleaner, and hot as a fucking stove. Yes I know it's a bit hotter these days and maybe mine isn't the latest top of the line model, but even my gf's Inspirion 17R (old I know, but she got one unused) tho relatively quiet, heats up as all hell even when it's on a cooling pad as soon as you try to do anything on it.
Maybe I'm alone on this, but I just think that when it comes to laptops, it's go big or go home. My Desktop PC is a relic of the past, but it still purrs like a fucking kitten, even under heavy loads in this weather

  • 11
    My laptop simulates airport on windows but on linux and macOS is very quiet.
  • 8
    I can hardly hear my beast 15" laptop (i7 4270HQ + GTX 970M). Only makes noise under heavy load, which is still not as bad as my desktop under load (i5 4690 + R7 280X). Laptops usually give off higher pitched sounds, while desktops manage to be loud on the entire spectrum.
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    You probs have dust in your fan or something
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    @itzyzex I dismantle it completely almost every month for cleaning. It does get a bit better after I just put it back together, but it's barely noticeable
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    My old ThinkPad hardly makes any sound at all
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    @AndSoWeCode Always trust Korea when it comes to tech. But if I'm not mistaken, that's relatively new laptop.
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    @Admim ok YES, so much yes. That's literally the only laptop that I never had a problem with.
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    @rewert new? 2 years, and already thinking about moving on. Also it's Chinese/German. German brand (Schenker) built on top of a Chinese brand (Clevo).
    The Macbook Pro 15 (2014) is quieter, it's absolutely silent actually, until you give it something to crunch on, at which point it makes quite a loud whistle.
    My old Lenovo B590 is always silent, no matter how much you give it. A new Lenovo E51 will be even quieter, basically silent.
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    @rewert I just picked up a cheap laptop on eBay and it's been a lot better than I thought it would be 😂😂
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    @AndSoWeCode wow, could've sworn it was Korean...heh, the more you know.
    But yeah, almost 2 years. That's kinda my point. It might be that it's due to county I live in, but I can't even think about changing laptops every year or two.
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    @rewert it's just that today I can get something with a better performance, better battery life, thinner, lighter, better screen, etc.
    If I wanted a laptop, I'd surely upgrade within the next 6 months. But since my laptop has been sitting exclusively on my desk during the last few months, I figure I'd just get a desktop and be done with it.

    It's just hard to reconcile the higher noise level coming from a desktop, which is why I'll spend a lot more on parts, to get Gold rated PSU, huge ass radiators with 12 or 14cm fans for the CPU, and I really don't know what to do about the GPU. I'm still looking at more in-depth technical reviews of water cooling solutions and maybe wrap the pump in sponge or something. The things I do for quiet...
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    @AndSoWeCode wow. God speed man, god speed
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    Ya, u got a shit laptop, mines mid level at best, and unless I go into a game I can hardly hear it. It's also never gotten hot, not while I was using it.

    I think your opinion is skewed by bad data, a sampling of all of 2 laptop's does not an quality sample make.
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    Sounds like you need a Mac Pro! 💻 👌🏼
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    Totally agree. And coincidentally we're finally getting desktops at work this week, so I'm super happy :D
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    I can deal with sound and heat, but battery life and portability markup kill me.
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    I once had the displeasure to clean a Dell laptop. It was a Vostro 3550. I found out that in this model they used only 1 small heatsink for both the gpu and cpu. It would get so hot while using the gpu that the wrist rest area was like a frying pan. Mean while my ASUS K555 also with a dedicated gpu (GTX 940M) is like a breeze.

    Give other laptop brands another chance in the future. 😁
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    Yup, totally forgot about it, since most of the once I used had to be plugged in to do any reasonable amount of work.
    Exception to this being Acer Aspire E 15. Even tho it's not that powerful, it's a fucking beast when it comes to battery (5-6 hours of non stop internet usage). Hell, even heating and noise is fine if you count that gf uses is mostly on the bed covers without the cooling pad.
    Honestly I'm more surprised that the thing still works at all.
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    My MacBook Pro never makes any noise nor does it get ho, unless I play games of course. I love laptops.
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    @simeg Yeah I very much believe that, but it's exactly what I'm talking about.
    The cheapest Macbook I can find here is some Macbook Air 13" which costs around 1400 $.
    That's considered pretty steep, considering that the average student makes about 250 $ -260 $.
    That's not to mention that the specs on said Macbook sucks, while you could build pretty damn decent pc for less 600 $.
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