
Every job where I don't have to deal with interpreted languages. I♥c(pp)

  • 0
    But why? I'm exactly the opposite, I'd say interpreted languages sacrifice performance for programming comfort.
  • 2
    @si3792 comfort? Horror you mean?
    I work with javascript and PHP on a daily basis btw.
  • 0
    @si3792 depends on the programmer I guess. I prefer compiled ones (at least c(++) or assembly) because I know exactly what is happening and what the compiler does for me. I'm sometimes writing algos that are simply more difficult in other langs (java whatever. Correct me if I'm wrong). Need to check a 3d 8 by 8 field of bools whether all are true? Sure, write a for loop and go until you find a false, if not all are true. Or just interpret it as uint8 and check if its the max value. Its a pleasure for me to do shit like that...

    Kill me
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