Ideal dev job would be to work on pretty/girly fashion or cosmetics websites, have drama free and knowledgeable co-workers, decent salary, great organization, external training opportunities, cute modern office, dogs, cats and a cafe on site, a dope recharge room & no talking to clients ever.

  • 3
    I like how different your ideal workplace sounds like from the rest :D Maybe you could open a studio specialising in fashion/retail websites in the future. Oh, but you have to talk to clients. Noo :/
  • 2
    @karakamen I know, I'm a weirdo girly girl misfit in the developer world. I do love getting lost in code and not talking to people though. 😊 I'm just bored with the monotonous type of industry-geared sites I currently work on, and would love to work on something aesthetically pleasing. With what I do currently there's no room for learning new things aside from a little php and jquery.
  • 0
    @CodingPrincess If you have time for side projects, do them. Looks like you need a creativity injection STAT! :D
  • 0
    @karakamen No time, unfortunately. I run a gaming blog and Facebook page as well as a beauty blog and YouTube channel, plus I'm a makeup artist on weekends, AND I have to support a few freelance clients, all on top of my 9-5. 😰
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