Ok idk about anyone else but m facing this weird thing with CLion now...
When i run the program... It freaking shows output in RANDOM manner!!!
Like seriously, the lines which shud b output sequencially r all jumbled up!! I ran it on terminal and it works correctly...
Quite weird for something like this to happen on CLion

Btw... Other than this, i really love CLion now... Its awesome!

  • 1
    Are you doing some terminal magic in the text output? The default output thingy is rather limited in comparison to a full-blown terminal.
  • 0
    No... Jst some cout and cerr is all
  • 1
    Sometimes cerr and cout don't flush when you'd expect them to. Try switching all of your cerr to cout so that all of your writes get written and flushed sequentially.

    As a second option, assuming that both err and out flush on newline characters, make sure that you end all of your writes with new line characters!
  • 1
    Oh i didnt know it was something like that! Thanks 😊😊 @VirtualProtect
  • 1
    No worries man! Let me know if it fixes your issue!! @Electrux
  • 0
    @VirtualProtect i jst tested it... It actually worked... Cant believe i didnt think of that when it was right in front of me all the time haha thanks a lot 😉😅😊
  • 1
    @Electrux glad to help! It sounded very familiar to something I experienced a while back so I thought I'd share my solution!
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